Our clients Polish family-owned and owner-operated businesses

Polish family-owned and owner-operated businesses increasingly turn to interim management. They typically seek our support in the following situations:

  • Lack of a cohesive development or marketing strategy, limiting the company’s ability to gain competitive advantage and long-term success,
  • Addressing issues related to limited financial resources, managing financial liquidity, cost control, or fundraising,
  • Low operational efficiency, such as inefficient processes, excessive production costs, underutilization of human resources,
  • Inadequate use of technology to improve operational efficiency,
  • Insufficient risk management, including financial, operational, or regulatory risks,
  • Lack of appropriate competencies due to difficulties in recruiting and retaining high-quality employees, especially in managerial or specialized positions,
  • Need for organizational or operational restructuring to adapt to current market conditions and improve operational efficiency,
  • Succession planning at various management levels within the company.

Collaborating with a selected interim manager allows leveraging the knowledge and experience of an expert who tailors solutions to the specific needs and capabilities of the company.

Our interim managers, specializing in working with family-owned and owner-operated businesses, are characterized by:

  • Understanding the dynamics of family influence on business.
  • Effective communication, trust-building skills, and conflict resolution to achieve organizational harmony.
  • Respect for history and traditions.
  • Openness to new ideas and innovations to facilitate the company’s growth and adaptation to market conditions.
  • A balanced approach to management that cares for both business aspects and relationships, including family members’ needs.
  • Succession planning skills to ensure continuity in business operations.
  • Adaptation to the unique organizational culture, often deeply rooted in family values and norms.

Does your company need momentum? Find the right interim manager in as little as 72 hours

  • First consultation completely without obligation
  • We have already helped more than 600 companies
  • Working with us, is a clearly calculated cost and effect

Call us at:

(+48) 22 50 234 70 (+48) 604 103 779

write to us using the form on the right.

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