Our methodology Benefits for the client

The greatest advantages of using interim management services in cooperation with Inwenta Interim Partners are:


Immediate availability

A competent, hands-on manager in place in as little as 72 hours from the conclusion of the contract

Interim managers are typically available immediately, whereas finding and hiring a permanent manager usually takes 6-9 months. Depending on the urgency of the project and candidate availability, task implementation can begin within 5 days to approximately 3 weeks.



Quick process of analyzing the situation and recommending the best solution

Unlike a full-time manager, an interim manager has only 2-3 weeks to familiarize themselves with the situation, instead of the usual 100 days. Within the first few days, they quickly gain insight into the organization and build trust among employees. Together with the client and their employees, they develop initial data and identify potential for optimization. Thanks to their expertise and an outsider’s perspective, interim managers often propose swift solutions that may not have been internally considered. Unlike consultants, they implement these solutions together with employees.


Implementing the solution within a specific time frame, with an agreed-upon business outcome

Interim managers offer a level of expertise that would be too costly for a permanent hire. They are experts with extensive managerial experience in areas such as restructuring, transformations, company relocations, workforce expansion/reduction, digital transformation, change management, mergers and acquisitions, and many others. In most cases, they have successfully completed similar tasks multiple times in similar task environments, ensuring they will lead the next project to success. Regular monitoring of project progress allows for real-time response to deviations from assumptions, and thus guarantee implementation as planned and agreed.


Clearly calculated cost and effect

Daily rates for interim managers depend on project requirements, current market conditions, and the candidate’s level of expertise. The quality-to-price ratio is determined based on expected project outcomes, such as revenue growth, cost savings, or risk minimization, rather than solely on the daily rate of investment. Interim managers are compensated only for days worked and are engaged for as long as needed. Clear contracts allow for effective time and financial planning, ensuring no additional costs arise during the project related to salaries, sick leaves, vacations, etc. There is also no risk or cost associated with unsuccessful recruitment.



Interim managers do not get involved in company politics. They do not pursue a long-term career with the company. Due to their extensive management experience and independence, employees are typically more receptive to suggestions and concepts from interim managers because they feel that the managers are not pursuing their own agendas but are acting in the best interest of the company and its team.


Comprehensive support

Our Partners take care of the Client throughout the entire duration of the project, support the implementation, monitor progress, and ensure proper completion.

Contact us. Together, we will find a good solution.

We invite you to have a non-binding conversation:

  • We will answer your questions
  • We will discuss the challenges your business is facing
  • We will determine possible actions to be taken

Call us at:

(+48) 22 50 234 70 (+48) 604 103 779

write to us using the form on the right.